Smile Without Fear – Elle Magazine

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Smile Without Fear

Did you know that teeth have wrinkles too? It was with this provocative question that Dentist Paula Sequeiros, from the Sanoral Dental Clinic, aroused the curiosity of those who heard her at the Anti-Aging Congress. Wrinkles, stains, cracked enamel, etc. All these are consequences of aging reflected in our teeth. But there is a solution. “It took me a long time to get the result I wanted”, says this Dentist who, in 1984, when she graduated in Medicine, chose Cosmetic Surgery as her specialty. “I’ve always really liked aesthetics and, therefore, when I decided to become a Dentist, aesthetics continued to be a concern in my work”, says Paula Sequeiros.

“I wanted to get teeth like the ones each of us could have been born with, with a natural look”. It was not easy. In Portugal, she was never able to find a technician who could do what she asked. “One day, at a congress in Spain, I saw the work of a colleague that was exactly what I had been looking for for years”. But what can you do to correct age marks on your teeth? Paula Sequeiros explains: “You can place veneers, and this is the least aggressive technique there is. We take advantage of the healthy tooth, prepare it slightly and place a porcelain veneer that adhears completely to the tooth and never comes off”. With this technique it is also possible to change the appearance of the teeth without having to use braces. “It is important that we understand that these are healthy teeth on which we are going to work on ”, explains Paula Sequeiros. The veneer is so thin that it leaves no marks near the gums. Like this,no one can tell if there was a dentist intervention there. “It’s really funny to hear the things patients say. They leave here with a new smile and people ask them: did you cut your hair? Did you take the puffs out of your eyes? Are you wearing contact lenses? The others notice the difference, but they never realize that it’s because of the teeth, they look so natural.”

It only takes a month to smile differently. At the first appointment, Paula Sequeiros makes a full analizes of the patient’s mouth, photographs and X-rays. In the second, there is already a treatment Plan and work proposal. Afterwards, the impressions for the new veneers goe to Spain, and that is the most time-consuming part. “If I could work with a Portuguese technician, everything would be faster!”, she says. One month after the first appointment, you leave the office with a new smile. Afterwards, just take care of it with basic oral hygiene techniques and smile for the rest of your life. “Most people don’t smile because they don’t like the teeth they have. This technique is truly revolutionary, as it allows you to correct many defects in the teeth while keeping them looking natural”, explains the Dentist.

Author: Paula Sequeiros
Source: Clínica Sanoral
Date: September 2008