Periodontal disease is an illness that affects gums and all the tissues that support the tooth
(hence the name periodontal, around the tooth) causing slow degradation.
It has a wide prevalence within the population and it’s a major cause of tooth loss particularly over
the age of 50. It has a genetic base that can and should be fought.
The bacteria present in the plaque will silently cause loss of tooth support over the years and its effects are more visible after the age of 50:
Teeth seem bigger because of retraction of gums
Dark triangles near the gums (Loss of gingival papillae)
Spaces appear between teeth (Teeth start to move)
Tooth mobility
Recurrent abscesses (due to pockets on the root of your teeth).
The basis for controlling this disease is early detection, more frequent dental cleanings and sub-
gingival curettage.
At home meticulous oral hygiene (the periodontal disease feeds itself on bacteria, if you remove
the bacteria then you slow the disease).
Periodontal surgery for management of deeper and less accessible areas and focus of infection
When you see the manifestation of the disease it is unfortunately sometimes too late to save to
save some teeth.