Dra Joana Leal
Equipa » Dra Joana Leal
Dra Joana Leal

Dra Joana Leal

I finished my degree in Dental School in 2006.

After that I’ve joined several volunteer projects with the “Red Cross” and “the World Smiling” in Portugal and abroad.

I started my career in the field of surgery and Implantology, attending both practical and theoretical courses and postgraduate studies in Brazil and Portugal.

When orthodontics came into my life. It was love at first sight! The search for balance, harmony, perfection and aesthetic smile is what drives me to want to learn more and more. I started a Post-Graduate in Orthodontics with several courses in various areas;

  • Biomechanics in Orthodontics,
  • Invisible Orthodontics,
  • Myofunctional Ortodontics and Damon System)
  • Micro Orthodontic Implants
  • More recently I joined the Orthodontics Department of ISCSS College.


It is my privilege to join the team of Sanoral Clinic, clinic where I started as a patient of Dr. Paula Sequeiros to whom I’m very grateful for the excellent work she did on me.